Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Family is...TEAMwork!

Family comes to us in all different shapes, colours and sizes, its not always forged by blood but crafted through shared commonalities, interests and passions.

Family is TEAMwork!
If I were to ask everyone’s definition of family, I can almost guarantee it would vary but there are always the common variables that remain the same.

When I think of family one of the first words that come to mind is TEAM, family is TEAMwork!

A team comes together, they work and play hard together, they respect one another and stand strong beside the other, they support one another…they encourage and lift up each other, a team teaches and learns from the other, they grow together, love, respect and honour each other.
"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress and working together is success."                                                                        - Henry Ford
The Complete Family thrives on the premise of TEAMwork, working together as a family unit aids in the healthy development of the whole child.

Check us out in the New Year and see what’s new!


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