Thursday, February 25, 2016

Somebody Say Road Trip?!

Most parents are starting to think about and plan March break activities for the family. You've got your day trips, play dates, special about road trips, I love road trips!

The planning, the packing and then there's the whole plotting of places to see and things to do along the way and once you get there.

Some may be tempted to call it a case of the crazies with a family of six but there's so much to explore, learn and do.  Here's some ideas:

Explore the History: 
During the weeks and days leading up to your trip take the kids to visit your local library and find out more about where you plan to visit or have them do their research via the internet. Gives them a sense of the journey.

Read A Map:
While you're researching the history look up any landmarks you might find along the way and map it out together.  Have them map your entire trip! Use both a paper map and an app such as Google Maps. 

Get Inspired, Be Creative:
It's interesting to see the world through their eyes; from a child's perspective. Get them a disposable camera and whilst there have them take tons of photos of things that appeal to them.

Once you return encourage them to create a written or photo journal as a keepsake containing all they saw and experienced. 

Road trips can be many things; exhilarating, exciting, crazy, a game of survival, educational, the end of the day you're making memories!!!


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